
We provide consultation services for families and professional organizations focusing on special education, challenging behaviors, and applied behavior analysis. We have experience with most disability categories such as autism, intellectual disabilities, specific learning disorder, emotional/behavior disabilities, etc.

Educational Consulting Services

  • Observe child in the school
  • Attend IEP/IFSP/504 meetings
  • Facilitate collaboration between family and school
  • Expert witness testimony
  • Training for parents on topics such as toilet training, dealing with challenging behaviors at home, overcoming sleeping difficulties, and concerns with sibling interactions.

Behavior Assessment

  • Conduct functional behavior assessments
  • Create behavior intervention plans
  • Train parents and staff on the plan
  • Consult on the plan throughout the duration of the service

Specializations include: non-compliance, tantrums, self-injury, elopement, and academic difficulties

Coaching & Training for School Staff

  • To implement applied behavior analysis in the schools,
  • To implement inclusive practices,
  • To reflect, evaluate, and change individual teaching practices to support the success of the students.

We specialize in using multiple strategies such as reflective questioning, behavior skills training, acceptance and commitment therapy, and organizational behavior management techniques to support teachers and administrators.

Contact Today

Baltimore, MD 21231
(410) 630-1209

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